Face Painters has proudly been accepted in 241 screenplay competitions from around the globe, garnering 112 awards and nominations. Screenwriter, Giovanni Sanseviero, extends his warmest gratitude to everyone who took the time to review his work.

Face Painters, let’s put story back into storytelling!

Grand Prize Winner

London Independent Film Award

Official Selection

Golden State Film Festival

Quarter Finalist

Chicago Screenplay Awards

Nominated, Best Dramatic Screenplay

Northern Virginia Intl. Film & Music Festival

Best Feature Screenplay

Roma Film Awards

20. Final Round Finalist

Worldfest Houston

Best Unproduced Screenplay

Dreamanila Intl. Film Festival

Silver Award (Dialogue) Feature Script

Queen Palm Intl. Film Festival

Nominated, Best Unproduced Screenplay

Bergen Intl. Film Festival of NJ

Best Unproduced Screenplay

8th Annual Northeast Film Festival

Honorable Mention

Los Angeles Movie Awards

40. Best Screenplay (Long-Form) Finalist

11th Annual SoCal Film Awards

Best Feature Screenplay, 2020

Moondance Intl. Film Festival

45. Best Unproduced Script

World Cinema, Milan

Official Selection

Austria Intl. Film Festival

Official Entry

Malta Film Festival

Critics’ Choice Award

World Film Carnival Singapore

Best Dramatic Script

Gold Star Movie Awards

55. Honorable Mention

Bridge Fest.

Honorable Mention

Sage Screenwriting Contest

Best Historical Feature Script

American Filmatic Arts Awards

Best Original Script

Rome Intl. Movie Awards

60. James Hill Award, Best Feature Script

Birmingham Film & Television Festival

Nominated, Best Feature Screenplay

New Delhi Film Festival

2021 - January Screenplay Competition
KIMFF Best Dramatic Screenplay

65. Best Dramatic Script, Best Feature Screenplay

Kosice Intl. Film Festival

Best Original Concept

Silver Mask Live Festival

70. Finalist

FunMill Film Festival

75. Best Feature Screenplay

Golden Wheat Awards

Best Screenplay, 2021

Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl. Film Fest.

Official Entry

Global Indie Film Fest.

Official Entry

Onyko Film Awards

Screenplay Entry


Best Feature Script

Script Art Film Awards

Official Selection

Cannes Film Awards

90. Finalist

Cooper Awards

3rd Place, Dramatic Feature

1st Monthly Film Festival

Best Script Winner

* Jean-Luc Godard Award Nominee

Cult Critic Movie Awards

Outstanding Achievement Award

Druk Intl. Film Festival

Nominated, Best Unproduced Screenplay

West Euro Intl. Film Festival: Brussels Edition

95. Outstanding Achievement Award

Virgin Spring Cinefest

Best Screenplay / TV Script

Golden Nugget Intl. Film Festival

Best Script (Festival Director’s Award)

Cannes Independent Film Festival

100. Best Treatment Award

World Film Carnival, Singapore

Official Entry

LA Sun Film Fest.

Outstanding Achievement Award

Tagore Intl. Film Festival

105. Best Unproduced Screenplay

Indo-French Intl. Film Festival

110. Long Form Screenplay Winner

12th Annual INFLUX Film Awards

Official Entry

LA Indies Festival

Best Screenplay

Cinema New York City

Best Unproduced Screenplay

New York Independent Cinema Awards

115. Honorable Mention

Macoproject Film Festival

Official Screenplay Selection

10th Annual Marina del Rey Film Festival 

Best US Screenplay 2021

Channel Islands Intl. Film Awards

Best Screen writer Award, Giovanni Sanseviero

Dreamz Catcher Intl. Film Festival

125. Screenplay Entry

Beyond Earth Film Festival

Honorable Mention

Robinson Film Awards

Nominated, Hemingway Award

LA Live Film Festival

Best Feature Screenplay

Watch Out Intl. Film Festival

135. Screenplay Entry

Washington Film Festival

Semi Finalist

Poe Film Festival 

Best Feature Screenplay

‘LEGACY’ The Film Club Toronto

Best Feature Writer: Giovanni Sanseviero

1st Monthly Film Festival

Screenplay Entry

WE Film Festival 2021

145. Jury Award (Feature Screenplay)

London Intl. Film Festival

Screenplay Entry

Best Script Awards

Screenplay Entry

Euro Film Festival Geneva

Best Writer, Giovanni Sanseviero

The Script Awards Los Angeles

Gold, Silver, Bronze Multi-Award Winner

Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival

Best Feat. Script; Best Feat. Writer

Vegas Movie Awards

160. Nominated, Best Screenplay

Birmingham Film Festival

Best Feature Screenplay

India Film Festival

Screenplay Entry

International Cinema Gala

Best Feature Screenplay

6th European Intl. Film Festival

Screenplay Special Jury Award

Germany Intl. Film Festival

170. Official Screenplay Entry

Open Gate International Film Festival

175. Official Entry

Silver State Film Festival

Feature Script Jury Award

Spain International Film Festival

Nominated: Best Feature Screenplay Nov. 2021

The Fantasy Film Festival 

180. Official Entry

Austria Intl. Film Festival

Feature Screenplay Jury Award

Italy International Film Festival

185. Script Award Winner 03-22

9th Film Fest International London

Best Feature Screenplay

8th NewBorn Short Film Festival, Berlin

2022 Grand Prix Best Feature Script

Brno Film Festival

Screenplay Entry


Unitaly International Film Festival

1st Place Screenplay Winner

Intl. Film Festival of Sriganganagar

195. Best Screenplay

Cinema Los Angeles

Screenplay Entry

Hollywood Hills Film Awards

Jury Award Winner, Feature Script

6th Berlin Intl. Film Festival

Best Screenplay, Week 30

52 Weeks Film Festival

200. Best Screenplay Winner

6th Annual Buddha Intl. Film Festival

Gold Award, Original Feature Screenplay

Latitude Film Awards

205. Best Feature Script Nomination

The North Film Festival

Best Feature Screenplay

Miami National Film Festival 

Screenplay Winner, Best Dialogue

Global India Intl. Film Festival

1st Place Feature Screenplay Winner

Hamburg Film Awards

210. Screenplay Entry

7th Annual Sochi Film Festival

Best Unproduced Screenplay, Group 1

10th An. Nice Intl. Film Festival, 7-22

215. Screenplay Entry

Australia Film Festival (Sidney)

1st Place Feature Screenplay Winner

Yellowstone Intl. Film Festival

1st Place Screenplay Winner

10th Massachusetts Ind. Film Festival

Screenplay Entry

China Film Festival

Best Screenplay Award

8th Madrid Art Film Festival

Screenplay Top-40 Long-List

9th UK Film Festival, London

Award Winner, Feature Script

Canada Independent Film Festival #7

Screenplay Official Entry

Kyiv Film Festival, Ukraine

God Bless Ukraine

Best Feature Screenplay Group #2

7th Brazil Intl. Film Festival

Best Feature Writer/Best Screenplay

5th MELECH Tel-Aviv Intl. Film Festival, 2023
